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Government Officials

Peter Kay, Assistant Attorney General — does he represent the level of “integrity” we must accept from our chief lawyer? UPDATE!


The WA State Bar Association has answered the question “does Peter Kay, Esq., represent the level of “integrity” we must accept from our chief lawyer?”, and they say YES! According to Felice Congalton, associate director of the WSBA, it “appears” to her that Peter Kay’s conduct is not within the jurisdiction of the WA State Bar, does not violate the rules of professional conduct, and does not warrant further investigation.

REASONS Scheidler filed a WSBA complaint against Peter Kay. Esq, Assistant Attorney General

When I saw our WA State Assistant Attorney General, Peter Kay, engaging in reprehensible conduct in the State’s legal tactics to remove children from their parents, I had to intervene. You can read this article for background. Scheidler files to intervene in CPS custody case

Well, as is the usual custom when our “legal establishment” is being criticized, the lawyers simply pile on more lies and misconduct. Afterall, what do they have to lose? Admit they were wrong? NEVER!!!! Better to delay, mislead, LIE … in the hope their opponent slips on some “technicality” that will give a judge the excuse to save their fellow WSBA colleague and dismiss the case.

Today I filed — another — WA State Bar Grievance against another lawyer, Peter Kay, who is our WA State Assistant Attorney General. Yada, yada, yada …

For those who want to read the “court documents” in conjunction with the grievance, here are those exhibits.

1) Scheidler’s motion to intervene
2) Scheidler’s claims in support of motion to intervene
3) Pete Kay’s memorandum in opposition to motion intervene
4) Report of proceedings

About Brandia

I am an animals rescuer, a mother, a grandmother, a minister, & a human being who is tired of all the corruption going on in our state.


9 thoughts on “Peter Kay, Assistant Attorney General — does he represent the level of “integrity” we must accept from our chief lawyer? UPDATE!

  1. As the old Sicilian saying goes: “Fish rots from the head”. And as Plato put it: Those who SEEK power are invariably the least fit to hold and to wield it.” What can we say when Congress has an 8% approval rating yet people keep electing THEIR representatives to go back to the same institutions no one appears to have any confidence in. We have only the law that these sleazy lawyers, politicians and judges show such contempt for; we have no weapons other than the truth, the law, facts and the U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land. But those weapons mean nothing without the courage to tell the truth and act, as Bill S is doing, without fear or favor; this is non-partisan–the political parties are both rotten and captured by narcissists, megalomaniacs and otherwise unemployables if not elected.


    Posted by jimcraven10 | July 26, 2014, 11:27 am
  2. True enough, I finally heard back from two of the elected Officials I sent certified mail to containing documents of proof of severe Judicial corruption and that my home & property were fraudulently converted via judicial retaliation. One being our Congressman Reichert telling me that since they refused to do anything to assist me with this flagrant Judicial corruption prior to the theft of my home & property including everything I own, that now I live in a different District. For me to contact a different Congressman as lCongressman Reichert & Staff desperately try to wash their hands free from any type of responsibility.

    Senator Cantwell sent me an email stating that since this is a Legal (corrupt severely Illegal) issue, she just Can’t, oh well.


    Posted by Bruce Gambill | July 30, 2014, 8:07 am
  3. In regards to Pete Kay, If Al Capone was a member of the WSBA, Congalton would endorse him too! A quick update before I leave this morning, its been 3 weeks since our Governor Inslee received documents of undeniable proof of severe criminal corruption within the State Judicial System, proof that they are fraudulently stealing innocent victims homes, property and everything they own. Using our tax dollars and law enforcement agencies to illegally do it. Absolutely no reply from our Governor concerning Organized Crime flourishing in this States Court System and Law enforcement agencies. Same for Senator Becker. Being Organized Crime is pretty much an all or nothing type of deal, they clearly are all for it. I can say this with confidence due to the fact that if either one of these public Officials had their credit, career and quality of life destroyed illegally via being betrayed and defrauded by their own Government, plus had their homes, family heirlooms & everything they owned all stolen via corruption, judicial retaliation & Obstruction of Justice, you can safely bet the farm that they would have expected some type of assistance , let alone a reply themselves by now.

    In regards to the A.G.O. having another opportunity to cheat us, and work with the corrupt judiciary to do it, if they were a bit more sophisticated & refined in the manner they go about doing this, making it all at least a bit more entertaining , I most likely would not find it so boring and old. Being the same “lead you down the path to no where program” all over again. Just wasting our time, money, and lives, along with making the tax payers pay them to do this to us. I’m thinking that maybe it would be a good thing to have someone like Capone and his boys be members of the WSBA, it would not take them too long to weed out some of these inept flakes.


    Posted by Bruce Gambill | August 6, 2014, 5:34 am
  4. Another bit of an update. Today the Seattle Office of the FBI told me that I needed to come up to their Office and speak to them in person. I am thinking that is a good sign, at least while I am still alive and not locked up some place. I have pasted below the Official FBI Core Values & responsibilities for everyone to be aware of.


    Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide
    3. (U) Core Values, Roles, and Responsibilities
    3.1. (U) The FBI’s Core Values
    (U) The FBI’s values do not exhaust the many goals we wish to achieve, but they capsulate them as well as can be. done in a few words. The FBI’s core values must be fully understood, practiced, shared, vigorously defended, and preserved. The values are:
    (U) Rigorous obedience to the Constitution of the United States
    (U) Respect for the dignity of all those we protect
    (U) Compassion
    (U) Fairness
    (U) Uncompromising personal integrity and institutional integrity
    (U) Accountability by accepting responsibility for our actions and decisions and their consequences
    (U) Leadership, by example, both,personal and professional
    (U) By observing these core values, we achieve a high level of excellence in performing the FBI’s-national security and criminal investigative functions as well as the trust of the American people. Rigorous obedience to constitutional principles ensures that individually and institutionally our adherence to constitutional guarantees is more important than the,outcome of any single interview, search for evidence, or investigation. Respect for the dignity of all reminds us to wield law enforcement powers with restraint. Fairness and compassion. ensure that we treat everyone with the highest regard for constitutional, civil, and human rights. Personal and institutional integrity reinforce each other and are owed to our Nation in’exchange for the sacred trust and great authority conferred upon us.
    (U) We who enforce the law must not merely obey it. We have an obligation to set a moral example that those whom we protect can follow. Because the FBI’s success in accomplishing its Mission is directly related to the support and cooperation of those we protect, these core values are the fiber that holds together the vitality of our institution.
    (U) Compliance
    (U) All FBI personnel must fully comply with all laws, rules, and regulations governing FBI investigations, operations, programs and activities, including those set forth in the AGG-Dom. We cannot and do not countenance disregard for the law for the sake of expediency in anything we do. The FBI expects its personnel to ascertain the laws and regulations that govern the activities in which they engagd, to acquire sufficient knowledge of those laws, rules, and. regulations to understand their requirements and to conform their professional and personal conduct accordingly. Under no circumstances will expediency justify disregard for the law. Further, the FBI requires its employees to report to proper authority any known or suspected failures to adhere to the law, rules or regulations by themselves or others. Information for reporting such violations is available from the Office of Integrity and Compliance (OIC).
    Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide
    FBI policy must be consistent with Constitutional, legal and regulatory requirements. Additionally, the FBI must provide sufficient training to affected personnel and ensure that appropriate oversight monitoring mechanisms are in place.
    3.2. (U) Deputy Director Roles and Responsibilities
    (U//FOUO) The Deputy Director is the proponent of the DIOG, and he has oversight regarding compliance with the DIOG and subordinate implementing procedural directives and.divisional specific policy implementation guides (PG). The Deputy Director is also responsible for the development and the delivery of necessary training and the execution of the monitoring and auditing processes. The Deputy Director works through the Corporate Policy Office (CPO) to ensure that the DIOG is updated, as necessary, to comply with changes in the law, rules, or regulations, but not later than one year from the effective date of this DIOG, and every three years thereafter.
    3.3. (U) Special Agent/Intelligence Analyst/Task Force Officer/FBI Contractor/Others Roles and Responsibilities
    (U//FOUO) Agents, analysts, task force officers (TFO), FBI contractors and others bound by the AGG-Dom and-DIOG must:
    (U//FOU0) Ensure compliance with the DIOG standards for initiating, conducting, and closing an investigative activity; collection. activity; or use of an investigative method, as provided in the DIOG;
    (U//FOU0) Obtain training on the DIOG standards relevant to his/her position and perform activities consistent with those standards;
    (U//FOLIO) Ensure all investigative activity complies with the Constitution, federal law, executive orders, Presidential Directives, AGG-Dom, other Attorney General Guidelines, Treaties, Memoranda of Agreement/Understanding, this policy document, and any other applicable legal and policy requirements (if an,agent, analyst, TFO,, or other individual is unsure of the legality of any action, he/she must consult with his/her supervisor and Chief Division Counsel [CDC] or OGC);
    (UHFOU0) Ensure that civil liberties and privacy are protected throughout the assessment or investigative process;
    (U/NOU0) Conduct no investigative activity solely on the basis of activities that are protected’by the First Amendment or solely on the basis of the race, ethnicity, national origin or religion of the subject;
    (U//FOLIO) Comply with the law, rules, or regulations, and report any non-compliance concern to the proper authority; as stated in the DIOG Section 3.1; and
    (U//FOUO) Identify victims who have suffered direct physical, emotional, or financial harm. as result of the commission of federal crimes, offer the FBI’s assistance to victims of these crimes and provide victims’ contact information to the responsible FBI Victim Specialist, and keep them updated on the status of the investigation. The FBI’s responsibility for assisting victims is continuous as long as there is an open


    Posted by Bruce Gambill | August 11, 2014, 7:35 pm
  5. UPDATE: The WA State Bar Association has answered the question “does Peter Kay, Esq., represent the level of “integrity” we must accept from our chief lawyer?”, and they say YES! According to Felice Congalton, associate director of the WSBA, it “appears” to her that Peter Kay’s conduct is not within the jurisdiction of the WA State Bar, does not violate the rules of professional conduct, and does not warrant further investigation. – See more at:


    Well, isn’t this interesting. A co-worker of Bob Ferguson. Well I got the same chain -letter. I guess this document from Felice Congalton goes to all that complain here in the state of Wa.


    Posted by Vera | November 24, 2014, 3:33 pm
    • Vera…. would you agree with this graphical?


      Posted by Chief Activist | November 24, 2014, 3:42 pm
      • For me, WE THE PEOPLE should always be first. Then comes everything below it. However we are in a time now where we live in a dictatorship and our complains do not matter. Their important issue is that certain people can line their pockets with the mighty $$$$$. And the more money they have, the more power they will show in the state of wa. And all of us are just little puppets on a string that have to obey. They and their friends have become so strong (they are many) that there is almost nothing that can be done. Because they have so many people in the legal system (friends of friends) it will be hard to get anything accomplished.


        Posted by vera | November 25, 2014, 10:25 am
    • Guess what I did?…I made a copy of Felice Congalton Chain-Letter and sent it back to her. I also included a Text from stating how corrupt The Bar is. I told her that she is supporting corruption. She is affraid for the Bar to take any action in case someone will retaliate against her. This is how far we have come in Wash. State. This is how millions of dollars and a group of certain people control the State of Wash.

      I hope their dirty work will collaps like a stack of dominos.


      Posted by vera | November 25, 2014, 10:07 am

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